Thursday, May 17, 2012

Thanks to you - RM Jeff!!!

Farewell party of FO family for the one and only - most loved RM!!!

These are photos from our event last May 9 at the 20/ post will be the videos...:) 
 Because we WORK HARD...we EAT A LOT!!!

RM with the GUYS and GALS...although the girls are looking at a different camera! :P

 Singing and dancing with out hearts out!!
Who would've have said they're the bosses???
They're sooo0ooo COOL and we're lucky we have them! GO FO TEAM!
 The BOYS are in the HOUSE!!!

 Work Hard! Party Harder!!!
Caricature TWITANIC gift for RM!!!
 Our wonderful BABY JADA!!!

 OLD FRIENDS keep up...although Jen-Jen left without saying bye bye :(

OLD FRIENDS stick together...even though the other one passed out already! :D

The LAST MEN standing!!! 2AM (maaga pa nga 'to) 

Don't you just love to PARTY with us!!!

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