Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Starting MAY - Right and Tight!

Am I happy?...SUPERB!

May month had just started and yet I'm pretty sure it'll be a blessed month for me...hoping it'll continue in the next days or weeks to come. 

My May started out great letting my friends see my new haircut which as per them it look great. Not being boastful but I think I look much younger...True to the fresher look, though I miss holding my hair and twirling it. I remember I was about to shower and I put on a lot of shampoo on my hair forgetting that I didn't have long hair anymore, much to say I wasted some of it hahaha...Now I'm pretty much confident to bond with my sisters...Well you know the feeling wherein you're the youngest and yet they have mistaken you as much older..arghhh!!! I've had those moments a lot! And now time for a change..hahaha I think I'll try on simpler clothes not the much lady-like look so I would look younger talaga...Sa mga ate ko,...humanda kayo..bleh! :P

May 1 is labor day I know and yet I'm not on a holiday but it's not new to I am at work. But I've had a good slight work load from work more on the jokes and funny moments with my colleagues. Best thing about it is that we were treated a couple of times. Treated by the owner for a Caramel Cookie Crunch just right to give us a right kick of energy / sugar rush needed for our work. Also glad that our layover passengers have all departed after staying for 2-3 days with us :) Next two from our hotel guests just left a tip for front office agents :) Also, I got the chance to go home early...

May 2 started great too...although I am still deprived from sleeping hahaha. I went out not having lunch but it's okay I got a gift certificate for a free massage at Slimmer's World wherein I enjoyed it I slept a lot. I did paid my bills to my credit card lucky me i still have the cash to pay my large amount DUE!!! I need to really spend money wisely argghhh! Next while waiting for my parents to meet I had my ME time...and I just needed that. I quiet lunch on my own at Almon Marina (eating the LITE menu) then Coffee at Starbucks.  also bought coffee for my parents. Then Movie date for THE AVENGERS and yes I saw my TWO CHRIS crushes at the movie...:) It was awesome! The movie itself was great and supper funny!!! 

After the movie...dinner at Pho Hoa / My Thai / Jack's Loft. They actually have a nice ambiance I like the color combination of pink and green it's so cool in my eyes and so girly hahahah :) I ordered soup and chicken sate. I'm really serious now on my no rice diet...hahaha

 Chris Hemsworth as Thor and Chris Evans as Captain America!!!

See I enjoyed it soo0ooo much...more good blessed days to come. :)

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