Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Stay Healthy with Cool Energy Boosting Moves.

Getting sick lately has been my worst days and I've done some research on where I could stay healthy the easiest way. I have always seek help in terms of medication when I am sick so let's try to be healthy as much as possible and with that I would like to share these healthy tips to everyone.  :)

1. First drink.
Cleanse your system and hydrate your body after a night's rest by drinking a tall glass of water first thing in the morning. You can squeeze some calamansi or lemon juice into it so your first drink of the day has that added tangy kick.

2. Nap time.
When you feel sluggish in the middle of the day, take a 30-minute power nap. Studies shows that power naps ensure better performance. Just keep in mind that you should not exceed the prescribed time frame. If you do, you enter stage five REM sleep. This wouldn't exactly be advisable if you're at work. Your aim is to enjoy the feeling of meditative relaxation not deep sleep.

3. Fiber up. 
Fiber improves your endurance. Various studies show that people with high-fiber diets last longer in exercise sessions and also burned more fats. Thus, its advisable for you to eat a high-fiber meal - such as a bowl of oatmeal and a piece of fruit - three hours before a workout.

4. Snooze issue. 
It can be so tempting to hit that snooze button several times in the morning. Getting up with that first alarm can be a true sacrifice--with huge benefits to your health! You'll get more done in the day and will save yourself from the stress of morning traffic and rushing around. 

5. Pepper up. 
Just one medium red bell pepper provides more than the recommended daily value of vitamin C, a nutrient crucial for repairing connective tissues and cartilage. It can help you recover from your workouts much faster.

6. Yogurt buzz. 
If you're looking for a high energy snack that's all natural, go for yogurt. It contains the amino acid tyrosine which also helps perk you up. You see, the body converts tyrosine to dopamine and adrenaline. A cup of yogurt is sure to jumpstart your day.

7. Go natural. The substances in processed food such as nitrates in luncheon meat and monosodium glutamate in some ready-to-eat food items can trigger a migraine and lethargy. To make sure that a headache doesn't bag you down when you least expect it, grab a piece of fruit when you feel hungry. Make an effort to significantly lessen your consumption of processed food. If possible, strike them out of your menu completely. Eat fruit to get that sweet fix without cookies, candy or cake. There are so many fruits that will quell your sweet tooth--oranges, cherries, grapes, pineapple, kiwi--so rotate them out so you don't get bored with the same old apple every day. It's a great opportunity to get more nutrients into your diet, too! 

8. Pose well. 
Make sure that you sit or stand up straight with your shoulders down and back. The primary sensory nerve in your forehead is rooted at the base of your neck. That's why muscle tension in that particular spot can lead to head pain. You also compromise your circulation when you have iffy posture.

9. Breathing theraphy. 
Tension headaches arise when you're stressed. That's when your cortisol and adrenaline levels surge. When this happens, your body is forced to pump out sugar. Unfortunately, the quick change in glucose levels can set you up for pain. As such, you should not let your stress levels rise. You can do simple breathing exercises when you fell anxious.

10. Take on a daily walking habit. 
Taking a 10 - 15-minute walk can reduce stress and improve your mood for the rest of the day. Walking, as other forms of exercise, prompts the brain to release endorphins, which help alleviate pain and stimulate relaxation. Make a decision to pencil in this quick exercise even on your busiest days. Walking has so many benefits for your mind and body, and it's a great way to start a fitness program or add a little extra calorie burning to your day!

11. Give up Smoking.
 I am not a fan of smokers. So I would add this to my list. It is not impossible to know that smoking is not bad for us. It causes heart disease, cancer, stroke and other lung diseases. So if you're smoking, QUIT, if not, DON'T EVEN TRY! :)

12. Give up Soda.
There's nothing wrong with that occasional sweetened beverage, but if you drink soda regularly, those calories can add up. Soda and many other sweetened drinks are filled with empty calories and sugar that do nothing to serve your nutritional needs. So give up that daily soda machine break to cut calories.

There you have it. You can stay on your fitness track by doing these simple things consistently. After all, there's no need to pop pills when you can get rid of pain the natural way.

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