Tuesday, February 14, 2012

He said = She said

When it comes to looking for the “perfect kind of a date” we all have our lists to be checked. I’d be honest on this one that’s why it’s been so hard for me to go on a date or let’s just say I can’t find what I wanted so far. That’s why NEVER end up in a relationship always on a hanging – dating status, the easier way is to end it SOON!

For the others, I’ve read an article from MATCH.COM about what a GUY and a GIRL would definitely look for in a date / partner.

Here’s the list:

HE SAID: My relationship has to have ______________

“She needs to be attractive.”

Speak the truth! This is the initial spark of men when it comes to choosing who to ask for on a date. Besides, it’s a fact; we all wanted someone whom we can be attracted too.

“I want to be loved for who I am not what I can provide.”

Ooops! Shame on those girls who are on for the money and not for the love! They’ll definitely end up in break-up or will divorce someday. Well somehow my say to this is that MEN needs to provide for their family and I think girls are just being realistic at some point to choose someone who’s a good lover and a good provider too. Let’s be practical but LADIES it’s not all about the money.

“For me, physical affection is essential.”

Men are somehow being misinterpret to just jumping into bed with their girls. But they don’t just need the “SEX” thing. They want passion even in simply ways like, hug, touch, kiss (cheek), hold hands, for them it’s important to have a simple everyday shared physical connection.

“She has to get my jokes and sense of humor.”

Definitely! Guys are trying their best to win a girl’s heart and that’s just not by being serious, it’s always nice to laugh it all out. Have fun! Laugh at each other and enjoy every moment, and if a girl is too boring for a guy, sorry to say but it’s a GOODBYE!

“My next girlfriend has got to be straightforward and patient.”

This goes out for older or more mature men. They would be looking for someone they knew they could spend the rest of their lives with. They’ve been fed up with the dating status, on-off relationships, drama-queen girlfriends, etc. They would want someone who wanted to be committed with them too, someone who’s patient and can handle a relationship despite the issues, fights, and simple misunderstandings. Guys would go for girls who are willing to adjust, understand and at the same time is willing to lay it on the line.

SHE SAID: My relationship has to have ______________

“I want to be wooed, I need the romance.”

Raise you hand if you’re a HOPELESS ROMANTIC, as for me you’d be seeing both hands raised. If guys wants physical connection, for us girls, it’s not always about physical, words can do, simple thoughts, simple deeds and acts would really swept us at our feet. A simple note saying “I-miss-you” a simple text saying “I thought about you today as I passed our favorite restaurant”. Girls are so vulnerable when it comes to those sweet moments and men should take that as an opportunity to bring romance in the relationship.  But this doesn’t mean that guys would only do courtship on the start of a relationship, do it constantly, do not stop or else girls would look for someone who could give them that CONSTANTLY.

“I need a man who is generous in every way.”

This is true! Girls are generous too and can return the favor but let’s say for the few start of dates MEN should pay for it, then when things are going okay for sure girls are willing to share. It’s always nicer for a guy to be money-conscious for it shows stability in life but not in terms of being a cheapskate. Also, generous not just by providing money or gifts, TIME is the most precious gift a GUY could give to his girl. If a guy has the capability to provide material things but not time well relationship won’t last that long as well.

“As I get older I want someone who genuinely cares about me.”

This is somehow related to the previous lists. If a man would only show care for the first few months or would only satisfy girls through expensive gifts but no time at all it will be hard on both ends. Ladies would want to have someone they knew they could get along with every day and even for the rest of their lives but if for a few months guys changed already then it should be put into end.

“I need to feel true chemistry with him.”

CHEMISTRY! A-must in a relationship, if two people are being introduced or being set-up and after a few dates nothing really is working out for them then it’s no use. Chemistry is the connection between two individuals that somehow linked them together and it shows that when they are apart they get to miss each other because there’s no connection near. We all want someone who could adapt to us, have fun and simple things with us and even laugh at the most silliest moment we have in our lives.

“I want a guy who’s got a big soulful heart.”

Ladies would seek for men who have a big soulful heart not just in terms of their relationship but also his relationship to other people, his family, his friends, even to strangers. A kind heart always wins the top-notch. If a man is kind and true then he would understand the moody moments of girls, the nagging part, and the dramas and still hang on. In fact, this type of guy will definitely last a relationship if he puts his good and soulful heart first.

Well...that's what HE and SHE said. Now, what's on your list??? 

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